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Re: Global Warming Again!
Actually, it's much worse than your data would indicate. The average
temperature last year was 1.0 degree colder than this years average.
According to my computer model, I calculate that if this warming trend
continues, the average temperature will rise 100 degrees in the next
In a few millenia, the planet will melt. I've applied for an NAS grant to
the problem further, but have not yet received an answer. Meanwhile, I am
just running my air conditioner and hoping for the best :-)
> At 04:11 PM 7/18/01 -0700, Jerry Cohen wrote:
> >beginning some 4,000 years ago and running until the birth of Christ,
> >temperatures averaged between 1.5 and 3 degrees Celsius higher than they
> >do today.
> An important detail that has been omitted is: the rate of change. One
> degree change per thousand years has been observed before. The present
> tentatively indicate about a degree per decade, which is about 2 orders of
> magnitude larger than before.
> mike
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