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FWD:[OEM] Low radiation sources and personal dosimeters

I'm forwarding this question from Occ-Env-Med, be sure to copy him directly if you respond.

walarcon@pluspetrol.com.ar wrote:



> Dear list members,

> I teach at the Public Health and Preventive Medicine Department in Lima, Peru.

> Recently there has been a discussion about the need of using personal dosimeters

> when exposed to low radiation sources. The equipment is a Mark 55 Inductronic

> (Fabricación USA, año 2000) to perform electrogammagraphy for industrial

> purposes.

> The company argues that as it is a low radiation equipment, their personnel does

> not need to wear personal dosimeters.

> I appreciate your commentaries and suggestions.


> Walter Alarcón MD MSc

> walarcon@pluspterol.com.ar

> alarconwalter@yahoo.com


> (Excuse me for my English, please)


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