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Re: Having a baby after a seed implant
A response:
-----Original Message-----
From: Franz Schoenhofer [mailto:franz.schoenhofer@CHELLO.AT]
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 1:02 PM
To: Gibbs, S Julian; Radsafe Mail list
Subject: Re: Having a baby after a seed implant
Franz said:
I totally disagree. We are human
beings and therefore we are not only entitled, but obliged to have an
opinion and to utter it about such questions like a 67 year old "man"
wanting to foster a child - even after a prostate implant treatment. The
only advice for a 67 years old man can be:
Forget it. Whether he had a prostate treatment or not.
So, the opinion you have is that a 67 year old man should not be considering
conceiving a child regardless of the state of his health? So Adam siring
Seth when he was 130 is out of the question? How about Methuselah siring
Lamech when he was 187; Lamech siring Noah when he was 182 (not to mention
he lived 595 years and had other sons and daughters); Abraham siring Isaac
when he was 100?
You certainly have a right to express your opinion, as do we all. Given
I'll be 65 in a few months, my opinion is that any man of any age has the
right to sire children. There are, by the way innumerable cases where men
over 70 have sired perfectly healthy children (usually with wives in their
20's and 30's, but that's a separate issue).
As said above, my opinion. With apologies to those who will see this as way
off topic (I admit it).
Les Aldrich
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