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Re: Radworker Practices Survey


(1) Initial Radworker training including dress-out practice should be 

sufficient.  Even when considering outage contractors, the practice of 

dress-out is based more on repetion than on a one day practice.  Not to 

mention the coaching provided by HP Technicians at dress out locations.

(2)  Eliminating "green is clean" trash receptacles from the RCA is an 

interesting proposal.  I would assume that the transition would be 

difficult.  Human behavior would likely cause radworkers to choose from two 

options: (1) Prevent personal items from becoming contaminated, or (2) Treat 

all "disposable" items as rad trash.  This would of course include Ops 

Lock-out tags.  I believe that this would be best considered on a site by 

site basis.  Compare the potential cost of the disposal of an increased 

quantity of rad trash, to the cost of processing "green is clean" trash.  

This may be by monitoring with a Bag Monitor or off-site processing.

(3)All tools stored in the RCA should be painted or marked in some way.  At 

least enough to catch the eye of HP Techs at the plant exits.  I would 

assume that you would want to limit the amount of tools that are considered 

personal equipment, and therefore exit the plant regularly.  A "hot tool 

room" in the RCA should have all that the workers need to accomplish most 

tasks.  Of course, there is nothing wrong with supplying workers with a 

leatherman.  I would still require placing all personal items in a Small 

Article Monitor (SAM).  Setpoints are a whole discussion on there own.

Steve Trickett


Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station

>From: "Creamer, Charles E." <cecreamer@TVA.GOV>

>Reply-To: "Creamer, Charles E." <cecreamer@TVA.GOV>

>To: "'radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu'" <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>

>Subject: Radworker Practices Survey

>Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 15:38:59 -0400



>Here is a question for the Power Plant workers on RADSAFE

>During a self assessment on Radworker Practices that is ongoing at Browns

>Ferry, three questions arose from our assessors and we would like input as

>to how the rest of the industry currently handles these areas.  Any input 


>any or all of these questions would be appreciated.


>*	During initial training of Radworkers in TVA they undergo a dress

>out practical factor training and then repeat it every three years

>thereafter.  Do you require a re-qualification of dress out training and if

>so at what interval?

>*	One of the other plants in the TVA system (as well as the plant of

>our outside TVA assessor) eliminated the clean trash receptacles in the RCA

>(Radiologically Controlled Area) as a means to reduce Radwaste. The theory

>being if the worker will have to bring it out they will bring less in to

>begin with.  Does your plant do this and does it work well to achieve its

>intended purpose?

>*	The third question deals with tools used in the RCA.  We currently

>mark only the tools used in the RCA that have fixed contamination on them

>with purple paint.  Our other assessor said it was a good practice to paint

>all of the tools that are used in the RCA and not just the ones with fixed

>contamination.  What does your utility do, do you paint or mark all of the

>tools used in the RCA or only the ones with fixed contamination on them?




>Chuck Creamer


>Charles E. Creamer

>Health Physicist

>Tennessee Valley Authority

>Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant

>P.O. Box 2000 (Mail Stop POB 2H-BFN)

>Decatur, Al. 35609-2000

>Phone:  256-729-2983





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