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Re: Radiophobia-Paranoia? Risk communication

>Is public radiophobia a manifestation of paranoia? I think not !

I agree. Paranoia is a clinical condition that can be related to various

kinds of mental illnesses. The word radiophobia is perhaps unfortunate

because phobias also have their chapter in psychiatry books.


Lars Persson sent me the following reference about anxiety:

"Health Physics 64(3):223-231; 1993 article by me and Drottz-Sjöberg."

I will have to wait for it a week - until I get back to Sweden - there is no 

HPJ near me at the moment. Let me just say that each word requires careful 

consideration. Anxiety can involve "catastrophication" (may be it is not a 

word in the dictionary - escalation or amplification) of some worry 

(example: reading about coronary heart diseases -> begin to say - aren't 

there some strange itchings - yes there are -> interpreted as angina 

pectoris - and then spelled out perceptionally in the mind as: "I have a 

heart infarct/failure". This is not too far from paranoia I believe).

My personal reflections and ideas only,

Bjorn Cedervall  bcradsafers@hotmail.com


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