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RE: Compensation of survivors

 To fight, and possibly die for one's country is a duty that all persons

have to there country. If we don't like our countries position on an issue,

we then immigrate to another country which shares our political views.  I do

not believe that any soldier should be compensated for fighting for their


But experiments performed on human beings without informed consent, is

inappropriate regardless of employment or circumstances.  The fact that they

are soldiers, does not remove all of their rights as U.S. citizens.  As a

cautionary note:  Be carefull about judging past practices by todays

standards.  I knew people that under dire conditions, ate rats to stay

alive.  Now they are reasonably affluent, and would not even consider that

as an option.

Have a great day all

Jim Stokes

-----Original Message-----


To: OGCRegulations@mail.va.gov

Cc: internet RADSAFE

Sent: 8/15/01 12:42 PM

Subject: Compensation of survivors

	Comment on Veterans Administration proposal:

	You are proposing that compensation be given to survivors of

workers whose cause of death might possibly have been caused by


while working for their country in the cold war.

	Why, then, should you not pay compensation to soldiers killed in

Korea and Vietnam during this same time period? They were certainly


from working for their country, as part of the cold war with the Soviet

Union. If the workers' deaths were caused by the U.S. government, surely

that is true of the soldiers. The only difference is that the soldier

deaths were certainly caused by the government, while the worker deaths

had only a very slight possibility of being caused by the government.


Bernard L. Cohen

Physics Dept.

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Tel: (412)624-9245

Fax: (412)624-9163

e-mail: blc+@pitt.edu


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