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RE: Compensation of survivors

	My statements about the soldiers involved in bomb tests was based

on the "Final Report: Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments";

1995,p.454-505. It includes a study by National Academy of Sciences, but

that is only one of many, although all had flaws. Their conclusions were

that the doses averaged about 1 rem and very few had exposures above 5

rem, and that there was essentially no evidence of increased cancer among

them. I found no explicit discussion of internal dose, so I presume that

it was determined not to be an important issue.

Bernard L. Cohen

Physics Dept.

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Tel: (412)624-9245

Fax: (412)624-9163

e-mail: blc+@pitt.edu

On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Dukelow, James S Jr wrote:


> Bernard Cohen wrote:

> -----Original Message-----

> From: BERNARD L COHEN [mailto:blc+@PITT.EDU]

> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 8:51 AM

> To: Stokes, James

> Cc: ''OGCRegulations@mail.va.gov ' '; ''internet RADSAFE ' '

> Subject: RE: Compensation of survivors




> On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Stokes, James wrote:


> >  First of all, I am not talking about soldiers who die in wartime

> > situations. I was in the military for many years myself.  I can tell you

> > though, that some military personnel WERE used in experiments,without their

> > knowledge.


> 	--I know about those involved in bomb tests; their exposures were

> quite small, and no excess cancers were found among them. I would be

> interested in being told about other cases.


> 	<snip>


> ===============


> If I am remembering correctly, soldiers who participated in bomb test exercises

> were never monitored for internal uptake of radionuclides.  How can you know

> that exposures were small?


> Best regards.


> Jim Dukelow

> Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

> Richland, WA

> jim.dukelow@pnl.gov


> These comments are mine and have not been reviewed and/or approved by my

> management or by the U.S. Department of Energy.



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