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RE: Floor monitor - background increasing
sounds like a temperature effect on the voltage plateau for your gas
proportional detector ....we've experienced the opposite phenomenon in cold
weather, where the plateau shifts to the right with lower
temperatures. This means that the operating plateau at
the calibration temperature (68 F) might be 1700 volts, but at 30 F the
operating plateau might move up to 1775 volts (meaning that if we set the
operating plateau in the cold, it would be at a voltage of 1775 volts, as
opposed to 1700 volts). So, the effect of operating the detector in the
cold at only 1700 v was that we were not on the plateau, so our efficiency and
background were lower than normal. We have modified our operating
procedures for surveys in cold weather. For your case, it seems that at
105 F, your off the plateau on the high side. [I agree that the radon
theory sounds more interesting.]
this helps.
I have a Ludlum 43-37 floor monitor surveying a large concrete pad -
outdoors. On very hot days (>105), the instrument background goes
up. We
take it into a cool trailer, cool it down, and background
stays up. Any
My favorite theory so far is radon
coming off the concrete in the heat, and
the daughters sticking to the
detector. That would also account for the
backgrounds returning to
normal the next morning.
Joel I. Cehn, CHP
Oakland, CA