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RE: Solid-Tumor Mortality in the Vicinity of Uranium Cycle Facilities
Thanks for the response , but..
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
> [mailto:owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu]On Behalf Of Jim Otton
> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 5:44 PM
> To: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu; brickner@IN.ZAHAV.NET.IL
> Subject: RE: Solid-Tumor Mortality in the Vicinity of Uranium
> Cycle Facilities
> Regarding references that link uranium exposure to kidney cancer,
> primarily
> for workers in uranium processing plants, please see the following online
> links:
> http://www.ips-dc.org/projects/nuclear/risksupw.htm
The refernces are incorrect. Regarding the Y-12 mortality study of Loomis &
Wolf the abstract does not specify the SMR for kidney cancer not the
confidence limits. I'll try to locate the original article . Checoway et al
don't mention kidney cancer at all in the abstract. . A recent article from
ORAU -" External radiation exposure and mortality in a cohort of uranium
p[rocessing workes" by Dupree-Ellis E et al.in Amer J Epidemiol 152:91-95,
2000 claims an ERR estimate of 10.5 per Sv (based on 10 cases) . I'll try to
read the paper tomorrow. the rest are reports that I have no access to , so
I can't verify the significance of their results.
I mistrust both journalists and politicians , therfore this source is
irrelevant to my question
> http://www.antenna.nl/wise/uranium/uhm.html
No reference to kidney cancr in this domain.
> There are other opinions (no observed effect) as at:
> http://www.house.gov/judiciary/6158.htm
> As of June 1999, CDC/NCEH were evaluating effects of exposure of
> uranium at
> Fernald, including kidney cancer, see:
> http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/phase2/whatnext.pdf
> I haven't seen any followup yet on the Fernald study.
We'll have to wait and see . Meanwhile I am not convinced that we should
relate kidney cancer to uranuim exposure on epidemiological evidence.
> Jim Otton
Thanks again and I'll follow up the literature further.
Dov (Dubi) Brickner M.D.
Beer Sheva , ISRAEL
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