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International Terrorism
Dear Radsafe:
What happened today was absolutely terrible. It
obviously was well planned and orchestrated. Two
planes for WTC, one for Pentagon and one for Camp
David. This occured on the 60th anniversary of the
groundbreaking for the Pentagon. This occured on day
before a terrorist indicted on an embassy bombing in
1998 was to be sentenced by a federal judge in the
federal building adjacent to the WTC. It came at a
time when the stock market in general was moving
Many questions are being generated. Will airport
security be beefed up even more? Will US
international security be beefed up like it was from
What we have is a "New Cold War" that needs people on
the ground and not anti-missile systems and spy
On this sad day, I am glad these terrorists do not
have or have not used "backpack or suitcase" atomic
bombs...... YET.
Paul Shafer
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