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Re: What can we do now??
>What do you think Radsafers can do given the current state of affairs?<
Go on with life
>Are there any courses on emergency planning for nuclear incidents (other
than the existing nuclear plant scenarios)?<
Yes. The WIPP ran courses (and still does) and had exercises for all communities along the routes, and I believe Yucca Mountain will do the same. Oak Ridge runs the RE/ACT program to train emergency responders. I'm sure there's more.
>Are any radsafers working with governmental organizations (federal or
state)regarding planning for local terroist events?<
Again, yes. Sandia recently published a study of possible terrorist attacks on RAM transportation (Luna, Vigil, and Neuhauser)
. I'll provide details in the near fututr
Any other ideas?
Ruth Weiner, Ph. D.