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Re: Environmentally important issues associated with electrical energy production

	My web site,   www.phyast.pitt.edu/~blc    has much info of this

type. The most directly applicable would be paper #5, but several others

might be applicable, including my book, especially Chapter 8.

Bernard L. Cohen

Physics Dept.

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Tel: (412)624-9245

Fax: (412)624-9163

e-mail: blc+@pitt.edu

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, Tankersley, Bill wrote:

> Radsafers,

> Would very much appreciate assistance with gathering of info in preparation

> of symposium for secondary school students.  We want to present a fair and

> accurate body of information related to health and environment on the

> products/byproducts/wastes and physical hazards associated with electrical

> energy production by nuclear powered generators, coal-fired generators, wind

> turbines, and solar cells.  Have seen this comparison information in the

> past, but don't have it on hand.


> In advance, your assistance is greatly apppreciated  and will provide our

> final program to any who are interested.




> Respectfully,


> Bill Tankersley



> Oak Ridge Associated Universities/Center for Epidemiologic Research

> 423-576-3141

> FAX: 423-576-9557

> tankersb@orau.gov




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