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Re: A Request Subsurface Sampling Information/Leads
Sounds like you want to do a scoping survey. Look at MARSSIM or the
never-adopted-but-still-required-by-the-NRC-for-some-projects NUREG/CR-5849.
MARSSIM includes references for a number of applicable EPA documents.
Jack Earley
Radiological Engineer
Enercon Services, Inc.
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Falo, Gerald A Dr HJF" <Gerald.Falo@APG.AMEDD.ARMY.MIL>
To: "RADSAFE (E-mail)" <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>
Cc: "'abelquie@orau.gov'" <abelquie@ORAU.GOV>
Sent: September 28, 2001 12:40 p.m.
Subject: A Request Subsurface Sampling Information/Leads
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for general information or leads for approaches used for
> assessing or characterizing subsurface soil so that I can start
> the topic. Specifically,
> If you have a site with subsurface soil contamination whether discrete or
> diffuse (e,g., drums v. plumes) how do you determine where to start
> What types of instruments do you use? How do you decide to stop your
> I am particularly interested in radioactive contaminants but am interested
> in physical and chemical contaminants as well.
> Thanks for your patience,
> Jerry Falo
> How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterwards. - Spanish
> proverb
> The statements herein are entirely the fault of the author and in no way
> should be interpreted as official statements of any person or organization
> unless otherwise noted.
> Gerald A. Falo, Ph.D., CHP
> Henry M Jackson Foundation Professional Associate
> Health Physics Program
> gerald.falo@apg.amedd.army.mil
> ************************************************************************
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