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Re: NRC website restored (somewhat)

Maury, Jim, et. al.

Obviously, my tongue-in-cheek comment was too subtle for some.  (As I said

before, some of the posting of the this list server are funny.  But some of

the responses are ludicrous.)  It is obviously, to me at least, that taking

down the NRC Web site after the events of September 11 was a reaction to the

preceived danger.  If the terrorists wanted to find and attach a nuclear

power plant, do you think that they will have any trouble finding one?

There are numerous sites that identify them.  I can drive along the

Chesapeake Bay and find Calvert Cliffs.  It is listed on the highway maps,

and I assume the local residents will help you find it.

What you are looking at is a government and society that is going out of

control because they do not know what to expect next.  My comment to all of

this is, "Get a grip on it!"   We are taking down Web sites that have

information that is in the public domain.  We are worried about attacks on

nuclear power plants when sending talcum power throught the mail will have

people in hysterics.  We are canceling the shipments of nuclear waste

without any threat being made on them.

I am getting ashamed of the way we are behaving.  The terroist have won if

we continue to change our lives based on our fears.

I repeat: Get a grip on it!

-- John

John Jacobus, MS

Certified Health Physicist

3050 Traymore Lane

Bowie, MD 20715-2024

jenday1@email.msn.com (H)


Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 19:17:09 -0500

From: maury <maury@WEBTEXAS.COM>

Subject: Re: NRC website restored (somewhat)

Thanks, Jim. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. So much, admittedly


not all, of all of this is so silly - people in government are simply


the credibility of government.

John (Dr. Jacobus), I suppose this answers your question to me. They either


or they have collectively led terribly sheltered lives.   Sigh .....


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