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RE: An Apology
That individuals information is misleading. There are very specific
special weapons designs that enhance the neutron radition emission compared
to "standard" fission or fusion weapons. The old ABM's were examples of
neutron weapons.
Jim Stokes RRPT
-----Original Message-----
From: Vernig, Peter G.
To: 'Radsafe (E-mail)'
Sent: 10/25/01 4:40 PM
Subject: An Apology
I commented on Mr. Caceci's post, in part, as follows,
Marco Caceci wrote,
"I am led to believe that direct fusion devices (a.k.a.neutron bombs)
free from the critical mass constrains of fission gadgets."
...The concept of the neutron bomb is to enhance neutron production so
the reverse would be true. Troops in hardened bunkers and tanks would
tactical targets for N bombs.
I realized in talking with someone else the "neutron bomb" is an ill
or undefined thing. All nuclear weapons produce neutrons in the fission
process. All neutrons from a fission trigger are part of what initiates
fusion in a fusion weapon.
To make a smaller fission weapon one would want more neutrons in order
reduce the size of fissionable material needed. So at some point in
sizing a weapon, enhancing neutron production is going to be a method of
achieving that. So in a sense any smaller weapon can be considered a
"neutron bomb".
I was thinking of it as a device where lethal effects of neutron
extends out beyond the range where blast effects are liable to produce
casualties to moderately protected personnel.
I should know better than to get involved in these discussions. I am
I am not aware of any direct fusion device as I said in earlier parts of
Any opinions expressed are mine alone and do not necessarily represent
of the Denver VA Medical Center, The Department of Veterans Affairs, or
U.S. Government.
Peter G. Vernig
Radiation Safety Officer, VA Medical Center, 1055 Clermont St. Denver,
80220, ATTN; RSO MS 115
303-399-8020 ext. 2447, peter.vernig@med.va.gov [alternate for business
vernig.peter@forum.va.gov; private - peter_vernig@hotmail.com] Fax
303-393-5026 [8 - 4:30 MT service] Alternate Fax 303-377-5686
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pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is found to
excellent or praiseworthy, let your mind dwell on these things." Paul
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