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RE: Rad Worker Layoff??

I am not aware of a situation where a permanent employee was laid off under

these circumstances.  Whether legal or not, I believe this practice is

fundamentally wrong.

The other side of the coin on this issue is short term contract employees

used for NPP refueling and/or maintenance outages.  These individuals are

employed for a month (approximately) to support specific activities

associated with the outage.  When a nuclear medicine procedure prohibits the

individual from entering the Restricted Area or from wearing dosimetry for a

month, it is difficult to retain a contractor assigned to Steam Generator

eddy current platform support (for example) if the individual is not

qualified for any other duties.  The contract company and the utility make

every effort to find duties, which the individual can perform, but this is

not always possible.

My opinions,

Joseph Heckman, RRPT

Site Radiation Safety Officer

Containerized Waste Facility

Envirocare of Utah, Inc.

(801) 532-1330

jheckman@envirocareutah.com <mailto:jheckman@envirocareutah.com>

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