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Re: Recent safety hazards at aging nuclear plants


Franz Schoenhofer

Habicherg. 31/7

A-1160 Vienna, AUSTRIA

Phone: -43 699 11681319

e-mail: franz.schoenhofer@chello.at


MR Dr. Franz Schoenhofer

Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

Dep. I/8U, Radiation Protection

Radetzkystr. 2

A-1031 Vienna, AUSTRIA

phone: +43-1-71100-4458

fax: +43-1-7122331

e-mail: franz.schoenhofer@bmu.gv.at

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: Norman Cohen <ncohen12@HOME.COM>

An: Jacobus, John (OD/ORS) <jacobusj@ors.od.nih.gov>

Cc: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>

Datum: Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2001 21:18

Betreff: Re: Recent safety hazards at aging nuclear plants

>HI John,

>Now what do you think I'm going to say? ;-)  Sorry, but I respectfully


>that this shows we need to phase out the oldest and most dangerous plants


>replace them with alternative energy, especially wind.



Hí Norman,

I am slowly and surprisingly discovering an unknown facette of you - you

show humor! I did not believe my eyes, when I read your response to a very

disgusting comment about using antinuclear people for radiation experiments

instead of rats and suggesting that these people would use the "ratsafe"


Does this mean, that you are running short of arguments (except citing all

kind of newspaper articles, which are irrelevant to whatever topic) and that

you are getting weak and therefore try to make a good impression on RADSAFE?

Believe it or not, I was really tempted to gratulate you on the "ratsafe"

comment, but than I refrained, because I have to keep up your expectations,

that I am a real hardliner, who wants to plaster the surface of the world

with nuclear power plants with a maximum distance of one mile (1.6 km),

including of course the oceans, for which floating NPPs have still to be




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