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RE: Article on Stockpiling of KI

I contacted the head of Tennessee Emergency Management Agency regarding

this issue and whether there was potassium iodide avaiable at Oak Ridge

in case HFIR was damaged and a release occurred.

The response was as follows:

> The NRC is making Potassium Iodide (KI) available to states with

> commercial nuclear power plants.  These plants are very much larger

> than the HFIR at ORNL. (1000-1200 Mega Watts as compared to less than

> a 100 at HFIR.)  We already have (and have had for the past twenty

> years) in Tennessee a sufficient supply of KI for the residents around

> the TVA Nuclear plants.  While there does not appear to be a need for

> KI in response to an event at HFIR, we could use the KI provided for

> the TVA nuclear plants if there was a need for it.  I will forward you

> the message from NRC.

The follow-up message had no less than 7 attachments--various plans,

guidances, criteria, disclaimers, etc.

But I have an alternative solution to those who see a need to stockpile

postassium iodide and fear a shortage.  Buy "Dr. Enuf" soda.  A 10-oz

bottle has 100% of the dietary requirement of potassium iodide.  Plus,

according to the label, "Rich in vitamins!  Enuf is Enough!"

Enough said.




Susan L. Gawarecki, Ph.D., Executive Director

Oak Ridge Reservation Local Oversight Committee

Please visit our Web site - http://www.local-oversight.org



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