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HP staff size
Dear Radsafers:
I was wondering if there is any "guidance" or "data" on the size of HP staff
for colleges. If you know of any info, please let me know. I would really
appreciate it!
Secondly, if you are working for a college in the United States, I would
really appreciate your info of the following:
College name: ____________________________________
Number (full-time-equivalent) of staff for radiation safety: ___________
Number (full-time-equivalent) of student technicians (being paied by hourly
basis): ______________
Number of personal monitoring badge users (if you know):
I am trying to figure out the optimum number of staff for our radaition
safety program. As I get the data, I will also share these with you. I
appreciate your help and have a great day!
Chan-Hyeong Kim, Ph.D
Assistant Research Professor
Radiation Safety Officer
Dept of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nucl Eng
NES Bldg 1-19, Tibbits Ave.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180-3590
Office: (518) 276-2212
Cellular: (518) 369-2360
Fax: (518) 276-4832
Email: kimc@rpi.edu
Web: http://www.rpi.edu/~kimc
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