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Re: offending: question?

>As I understand, there is no problem in opening the email message---

>as long as you do not open any attachments.

>Please correct me if this is wrong.   Thanks,   Jerry

In this case the virus was not in an attachment. It was 'inline',

just like any text message, only it was uuencoded. (uuencode is

a unix command which encodes binary streams into printable text).

I would assume there could be wintel based email readers,

which would warn only against MIME attachments (MIME is the standard

for mail exchange of more complex things than plain text).

Now if one of those readers also happens to be very helpful

and parses the message (after deciding it was not dangerous

because it had no attachments) and recognizes the uuencoded

thing, it may - at worst - write it as the .com file which

it is meant to be to your disk and then give control to it...

Please notice that I do not know if there is email

software which would do that. I am just anticipating this

could be the case based on the message structure and my

opinion on wintel systems. I could not test this because

I 'live' in a wintel-sterile environment.



Dimiter Popoff

Transgalactic Instruments, Gourko Str. 25 b, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

http://transgalactic.freeyellow.com   <---- now with the new Nukeman

Email: tgi@cit.bg, tgi_earth@yahoo.com

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