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EPA Eliciting Risk Tradeoffs for Valuing Fatal Cancer Risks

I received this on another list server, but thought the list would be

interested in it.  I am sorry of its length, but like most federal postings

it was written by lawyers.

-- John 

John Jacobus, MS

Certified Health Physicist 

3050 Traymore Lane

Bowie, MD  20715-2024

E-mail:  jenday1@email.msn.com (H)      

-----Original Message-----

From: Grissom, Mike [mailto:mikeg@slac.stanford.edu]

Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:10 AM

To: 'Medhp-Sec (E-mail)'

Subject: MEDHP-SEC: US EPA FR re: ...Eliciting Risk Tradeoffs for

Valuing Fatal Cance r Risks

The following US Federal Register Notice was recently

posted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

and may be of special interest to those of you

interested in risk communications and risk-based

development tools for regulatory systems (comments are

due on April 1, 2002):


Federal Register: January 29, 2002 (Volume 67,

 Number 19).

 Section:	Notices


 Title:	Agency Information Collection Activities:

		Proposed Collection; Comment Request;

		Eliciting Risk Tradeoffs for Valuing Fatal

		Cancer Risks

 Action:	Notice.

 Page:	4253-4254



   Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed

 Collection; Comment Request; Eliciting Risk Tradeoffs

             for Valuing Fatal Cancer Risks

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.

SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act

(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this document announces that

EPA is planning to submit the following proposed

Information Collection Request (ICR) to the Office of

Management and Budget (OMB): Eliciting Risk Tradeoffs

for Valuing Fatal Cancer Risks, EPA ICR 2057.01. Before

submitting the ICR to OMB for review and approval, EPA

is soliciting comments on specific aspects of the

proposed information collection as described below.

DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before April 1,


ADDRESSES: Dr. Melonie Williams, National Center for

Environmental Economics, US EPA, Mail Code 1809, 1200

Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC, 20460.

Interested persons may obtain a copy of the ICR without

charge by contacting Dr. Williams at 202-260-7978 or



202-260-5728 or dockins.chris@epa.gov.


Affected entities:

	Entities potentially affected by this action are

	those individuals who are contacted and

	voluntarily agree to participate in the survey.

	The survey pool will be a pre-established panel

	of respondents who have been randomly recruited

	from the general public by Knowledge Networks,

	Inc. or other web-based survey research firm.

	Typically, respondents have agreed with the

	survey research firm to participate in periodic

	web-based surveys. None of the other surveys

	conducted by the firm administering this survey

	will be related to this study.


	Eliciting Risk Tradeoffs for Valuing Fatal Cancer

	Risks (EPA ICR No. 2057.01).


	It is widely recognized that reductions in cancer

	risks are among the most important and tangible

	benefits resulting from a variety of environmental,

	food safety and other public health initiatives.

	Nevertheless, assessing these benefits in monetary

	terms remains a challenge. In July 2000, the

	United States Environmental Protection Agency's

	(USEPA's) Science Advisory Board (SAB) concluded

	that most existing estimates valuing the benefits

	of reductions in mortality risks "should not be

	taken as precise estimates for the value of

	reducing the risks of fatal cancers, because of

	differences in the nature of the risks being

	valued * * *." They also commended efforts "to

	develop systematic and credible approaches to

	improved valuation of the benefits of fatal

	cancer risk reduction." (USEPA, 2000). The

	purpose of this proposed survey is to extend

	these efforts.

	Through a cooperative agreement, EPA's Office of

	Policy, Economics and Innovation (OPEI) and

	Research Triangle Institute (RTI) have designed

	and are proposing to conduct a nationwide survey

	of adult individuals. The focus of this survey is

	to elicit their relative preferences for reducing

	two types of potentially very different mortality

	risks--risk of automobile death and risk of

	contracting a fatal cancer. The existing empirical

	literature on mortality risk values has focused

	almost exclusively on accidental (occupational

	and/or automobile) deaths, because individuals

	regularly reveal information on their values for

	avoiding these types of risks through job choices

	and consumer purchases. However, as the SAB has

	concluded, these values may not be directly

	applicable for valuing avoided cancer risks. In

	contrast to accidental deaths, fatal cancer risks

	may involve a long delay between exposure to a

	carcinogen and the first symptoms of disease

	(latency period), and death may only occur after

	several years of suffering with the disease

	(morbidity period).

	The proposed survey will explore individuals'

	tradeoffs between the two types of risks. It will

	apply established stated preference research

	methods, and the resulting survey data will be

	used to estimate

	 (1)	how strongly individuals prefer reducing

		one type of risk over the other,

	 (2)	how this strength of preference is

		affected by the length of the morbidity

		and latency periods,

	 (3)	and how preferences differ across different

		types of cancer.

	These estimates will help to provide researchers

	and policy analysts with a systematic and credible

	basis for adjusting existing mortality risk values.

	Such adjustments will be particularly useful for

	assessing the benefits of reducing fatal cancer

	risks, but they will also be relevant in assessing

	the benefits of reducing other types of fatal

	risks that involve extended latency and/or

	morbidity periods.

	The data collected through this survey will greatly

	benefit any agency or organization that has a role

	in protecting the public against fatal cancer risks

	and/or an interest in evaluating the resulting

	gains to society. Evaluations of this type are

	required under executive orders (Executive Order

	12866) and a broad array of federal statutes,

	including the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)

	Amendments, the Toxic Substances Control Act

	(TSCA), the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,

	Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), the Food Quality

	Protection Act (FQPA), and the Unfunded Mandates

	Reform Act (UMRA). Federal agencies with a

	particular interest in assessing the benefits of

	reductions in fatal cancer incidence include not

	only the USEPA, but the Department of Health and

	Human Services (DHHS) (especially the Food and

	Drug Administration [FDA]), the Department of

	Agriculture (USDA), the Office of Management and

	Budget(OMB), and the Congressional Budget Office

	(CBO) as well. Many agencies and departments must

	also evaluate the benefits of their own risk

	reduction policies. The methodology proposed for

	this research will also provide a model for

	future researchers with an interest in exploring

	individuals values and tradeoffs between

	different types of health improvements.

	A thorough pretest of the survey will be

	conducted using 250 respondents. For the full

	scale survey, information will be collected from

	an additional 2000 respondents. The survey is

	designed to collect information through an

	established panel of respondents, using a WebTV

	mode of administration. The data will be

	collected and stored electronically by the

	survey research firm. Based on previous

	experience and a limited number of cognitive

	pretest interviews, each survey will take

	approximately 25 minutes.

	Responses to the survey will be voluntary.

	Typically, panel members are free to choose

	whether or not to respond to any particular

	survey as long as they meet survey quotas set

	in their agreement with the web-based survey

	research firm. In collaboration with Knowledge

	Networks, RTI has developed a plan for assuring

	the confidentiality of participants. Under this

	plan, the survey will fully conform to federal

	regulations--specifically, the Privacy Act of

	1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), Privacy Act Regulations (34

	CFR part 5b), the Hawkins-Stafford Amendments of

	1988 (Public Law 100-297), and the Computer

	Security Act of 1987. The plan for maintaining

	confidentiality includes signing confidentiality

	agreements and notarized nondisclosure affidavits

	obtained from all personnel who will have access

	to individual identifiers. Also included in the

	plan is personnel training regarding the meaning

	of confidentiality, particularly as it relates

	to handling requests for information and

	providing assurance to respondents about the

	protection of their responses; controlled and

	protected access to computer files under the

	control of a single data base manager; built-in

	safeguards concerning status monitoring and

	receipt control systems; and a secured and

	operator-manned in-house computing facility. Data

	files and documentation will be delivered to RTI

	and EPA at the end of the project, but no names

	or addresses will be included on any data file. A

	locator database for these sample members will be

	maintained by the survey research firm in a

	separate and secure location. All data collection

	elements and procedures will be reviewed by RTI's

	Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects.

	This committee serves as RTI's Institutional

	Review Board (IRB) as required by 45 CFR part 46.

	It is the policy of RTI that the IRB review all

	research involving human subjects in a manner

	consistent with the regulations in 45 CFR part 46

	and regardless of funding source to ensure that

	all RTI studies involving human populations

	comply with applicable regulations concerning

	informed consent, confidentiality, and protection

	of privacy.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is

not required to respond to, a collection of information

unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

The OMB control numbers for EPA's regulations are listed

in 40 CFR part 9 and 48 CFR Chapter 15.

The EPA would like to solicit comments in order to:

  (i)	Evaluate whether the proposed collection of

	information is necessary for the proper performance

	of the functions of the agency, including whether

	the information will have practical utility;

 (ii)	evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of

	the burden of the proposed collection of

	information, including the validity of the

	methodology and assumptions used;

(iii)	enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the

	information to be collected; and

 (iv)	minimize the burden of the collection of

	information on those who are to respond,

	including through the use of appropriate

	automated electronic, mechanical, or other

	technological collection techniques or other

	forms of information technology, e.g., permitting

	electronic submission of responses.

Burden Statement:

	Because the proposed survey will take advantage

	of the existing and pre-recruited panel of WebTV

	respondents, the only burden imposed by the survey

	on respondents will be the time required to take

	the survey. Based on pretest interviews, the survey

	authors estimate that this will involve an average

	of 25 minutes per respondent. With 250 respondents

	for the pilot survey, and 2000 respondents for the

	full-scale survey, this will involve a total of

	937.5 hours. Since the survey is a one-time

	collection, this represents both an annual and a

	total burden estimate. Based on an average hourly

	wage of $22.15 (including employer costs of all

	employee benefits), the survey authors expect that

	the average per-respondent cost for the pilot

	survey will be $9.23 and the corresponding

	one-time total cost to all respondents will be

	$20,765.00. Since this information collection is

	voluntary and does not involve any additional

	special equipment, respondents will not incur any

	capital or operation and maintenance (O&M) costs.

	Burden means the total time, effort, or financial

	resources expended by persons to generate,

	maintain, retain, or disclose or provide

	information to or for a Federal agency. This

	includes the time needed to review instructions;

	develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology

	and systems for the purposes of collecting,

	validating, and verifying information, processing

	and maintaining information, and disclosing and

	providing information; adjust the existing ways to

	comply with any previously applicable instructions

	and requirements; train personnel to be able to

	respond to a collection of information; search

	data sources; complete and review the collection

	of information; and transmit or otherwise disclose

	the information.

Dated: January 4, 2002.

Al McGartland,

Director, National Center for Environmental Economics,

Office of Policy Economics and Innovation.


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