A question relating to the observation that radon levels are lower in the houses of smokers: Was the measurement technique sensitive to the concentration of the gas or the daughters?
In addition to attached particle behavior, is there a possible social explanation: Could the smoking population to tend be more represented by a blue collar like lifestyle, living in older draftier houses and opening their windows more (as opposed to using air conditioning)?
My two cents worth is that, in my opinion, the LNT debate will not be solved until there is a more comprehensive understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms. Furthermore, as I stated earlier, that regardless of LNT theory our current NRC and DOE limits to occupational workers and members of the public are reasonable. Although the ICRP 30 dosimetry models should be brought up to date. However EPA limits of 4 and 10 mrem are unreasonable, often difficult to assess by measurement and are very expensive, especially when n-fold conservatism is folded into the computer models.
Brian Keele