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Fwd: Radiation chemistry
>X-Sender: rmlind@mailserver.nist.gov
>Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:17:23 -0500
>Reply-To: liste de distribution pour les RADIOCHIMISTEs <RADCH-L@in2p3.fr>,
> Dick Lindstrom <richard.lindstrom@nist.gov>
>Sender: liste de distribution pour les RADIOCHIMISTEs <RADCH-L@in2p3.fr>
>From: Dick Lindstrom <richard.lindstrom@nist.gov>
>Subject: Radiation chemistry
>To: RADCH-L@in2p3.fr
>Can someone point me toward a good experimental reference to the
>literature on the radiolysis of D2O? I'm particularly looking for
>yields of the products and rates of recombination at different
>Richard M. (Dick) Lindstrom, Ph. D.
>Nuclear Methods Group
>Analytical Chemistry Division
>National Institute of Standards and Technology
>Paleomail: 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8395
> Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8395, USA
>Fax: 301-208-9279 Phone: 301-975-6281
>richard.lindstrom@nist.gov, dick.lindstrom@nist.gov,
>rlindstrom@nist.gov, rmlind@nist.gov
Jean-Charles ABBE
Délégation CNRS
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