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Re: pstd

Title: Re: pstd
Should? To be able to?

Ethical? Being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong that govern the conduct of a profession (or group).

Would you suggest that we somehow limit their freedom of expression. THAT is a job that is beyond what I assume is mine.

How would you propose stopping them?

Would we not look the more like fools for the effort?

No, They "should" (as in be able or allowed to) do whatever they are doing and we should try and reach the same people with our side of the issue. Anything else is a waste of time.

Paul lavely <lavelyp@uclink4.berkeley.edu>

How about "Mobile Chernobyl?"  Should the anti-nukes continue to use it? Is the continued use ethical?  will it cause either stress or PTSD?

Ruth Weiner, Ph. D.
