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RE: Securing the Energy Future of the US - IEER URL
I agree w/ your thoughts on environmentalism; I believe your optimism re.
rational choices is groundless. Reminds me of the snake at the top of the
mountain asking the boy to take him down so he wouldn't freeze in the dark
(apropos) and promising not to bite. Of course he bit the boy after getting
to the bottom. His response to the boy's objection was "But you know that
I'm a snake."
Jack Earley
Radiological Engineer
Another environmentalist for nuclear energy.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ruth Sponsler [mailto:jk5554@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 9:58 AM
To: Patricia Milligan; radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu; don.mercado@lmco.com
Subject: RE: Securing the Energy Future of the US - IEER URL
Thanks for some excellent comments that relate to
'sustainability.' One of the major reasons that I am
in favor of nuclear energy is that I see it in the
'big picture' as more environmentally benign than
fossil fuels.
I get pretty disappointed when individuals who call
themselves 'environmentalists' get sidetracked from
the _real_ issues such as land and natural habitat
conservation into pushing 'issues' that wind up being
harmful to the environment by encouraging _more_
fossil fuel dependence and the associated emissions,
acid deposition etc.
I do agree that sustainable development implies
locally grown foods, many of them from vegetable
rather than animal sources, and not export of
'McDonalds' throughout the world. Clearing of land
for 'ganado' (beef cattle) is a big cause of
deforestation in the Amazon.
So, Norm, come on over to my side of environmentalism
;-) ;-). Unfortunately, although I support the
habitat conservation work of environmental
organizations such as the Sierra Club, I have refused
to join any except for The Nature Conservancy, because
most of them take 'politically correct' (popular among
their 'in crowd') anti-nuclear positions that I
believe are ultimately *harmful* for the environment
because they *indirectly promote* fossil fuel use as a
'default.' These organizations are always pushing
wind and solar, which just simply cannot supply the
amount of energy desired by Americans and many other
people in the world.
My friendly recommendation to Norm: take a hike to the
peaks of the Alleghenies or Blue Ridge Mountains where
you can see for yourself how the stress caused by the
effects of acid rain [coal...] on trees has caused
them to be highly susceptible to an otherwise harmless
little insect, and has caused tree death on Mt.
Mitchell, Roan Mountain etc. and also threatens
delicate 'bald' island ecosystems. Then, transfer
your career to doing something that will actually
*help* the environment, such as working with
foundations that purchase land for conservation
There may be some folks on this list who disagree with
my post because it is mostly 'pro-environmentalist.'
The important part is that you're actively working to
help reduce coal emissions using nuclear, which is a
lot more than some of these 'activists' can say for
themselves. :-)
Ruth Sponsler
Forest stress caused by acid deposition on ridges:
--- Patricia Milligan <PXM@NRC.GOV> wrote:
> This report assumes that consumption more or less
> stays the same. I am not sure how these great plans
> can even be possible given the population growth in
> the world... and according to scientists at Cornell
> University "Animal protein production requires more
> than eight times as much fossil-fuel energy than
> production of plant protein while yielding animal
> protein that is only 1.4 times more nutritious for
> humans than the comparable amount of plant protein,"
> so if we are worried about energy use, then we need
> to worry about the increasing population and the
> increasing fascination with McDonalds and beef
> consumption around the world... so from strictly
> the casual observer, if you are increasing the
> population and you are increasing the food supply
> from animal protein and you are increasing the
> lifestyles of the growing populations, how can these
> simplistic energy plans ever stand a chance of
> working?? they are naive at best and don't address
> the true problems... in a world of !
> finite resources... you can only support a finite
> population...
> Patricia Milligan, RPh, CHP
> 301-415-2223
> >>> "Mercado, Don" <don.mercado@LMCO.COM> 03/28/02
> 01:19PM >>>
> I read this and it is typical of a Democratic
> agenda. More rules,
> regulations and HUGE government oversight, taking
> away from the free market
> and free will. Tax and spend.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Norman Cohen [SMTP:ncohen12@comcast.net]
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 6:23 PM
> > To: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu; Norman Cohen
> > Subject: Securing the Energy Future of the US -
> >
> >
> > HI all,
> > For those of you who have asked me how I proposed
> to phase out nukes and
> > replace them with alternatives, here's some
> thoughts from IEER:
> >
> > > Securing the Energy Future of the United States
> > > Science for Democratic Action, volume 10 number
> 2, February 2002
> > >
> http://www.ieer.org/sdafiles/vol_10/10-2/index.html
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> >
> >
> > >
> > --
> > Coalition for Peace and Justice and the UNPLUG
> Salem Campaign; 321 Barr
> > Ave., Linwood, NJ 08221; 609-601-8583 or
> 609-601-8537;
> > ncohen12@comcast.net UNPLUG SALEM WEBSITE:
> > http://www.unplugsalem.org/ COALITION FOR PEACE
> > http://www.coalitionforpeaceandjustice.org The
> Coalition for Peace and
> > Justice is a chapter of Peace Action.
> > "First they ignore you; Then they laugh at you;
> Then they fight you;
> > Then you win. (Gandhi) "Why walk when you can
> fly?" (Mary Chapin
> > Carpenter)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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