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Re: NOT Off topic
On March 29th, BLHamrick@aol.com wrote that she would like
quantitative measurements of radiation exposure following Nuclear
Medicine tests.
Just two weeks ago I had a dobutamine-MIBI test, which involves the
administration of 23 millicuries (850 MBecquerels) of technetium-99M.
When I got home about 2-3 hours after the test, I measured 20 mR/hr at
my chest and 25 mR/hr at my abdomen. A non-calibrated scintillation
counter was reading 100,000 cpm at about six feet from me, where normal
background is about 400 cpm. If background is assumed to be about 0.01
mR/hr, then the reading corresponds to about 2.5 mR/hr at six feet. It
dropped fairly rapidly with time.
Regards, Alan (an amateur with a strong interest in radiation
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