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Re: NYTimes Article: Rising Anxiety over Indian Point NPP
I think one of the most inaccurate and egregious
errors in the report is the following sentence:
"the nation's 103 nuclear reactors were never designed
to withstand the impact of a commercial airliner."
How did the phrase, "Designers did not take into
account the sceanrio of a fully-loaded commercial
jetliner striking containment" ever get twisted around
to mean, "The plants cannot take the forces that would
result from an airliner collision"?
This is a shining example of how twisting just a word
or two around every other week or so can have that
effect. Just another example of the old addage of "If
you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes true..." is
so very accurate.
Then again, nobody ever accused NY Times reporters of
reporting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but
the truth.
Tim S.
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