-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
3050 Traymore
Bowie, MD 20715-2024
-----Original Message-----Dear RADSAFEr's,
From: Bahriye Sırav [mailto:bahriyes@med.gazi.edu.tr]
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 7:53 AM
To: radsafe list
Subject: ionizing radiation and cardiac pacemakers
Importance: HighRF (Radio Frequency) fields are being used for accelerating electrons in linear accelerators used in cancer therapy. These fields are also used for other therapeutic purposes with some medical instruments in the hospitals (such as diathermy units, MRI systems etc).
Among the radiotherapy patients, those carrying pacemakers are being exposed to ELF and RF non-ionizing radiation besides the ionizing radiation from the therapy units.
I would be gratefull if you can inform me about the effects of ionizing radiation on patients having cardiac pacemakers while they are having radiotherapy treatments.With best regards,
Res Ass Bahriye SIRAV (MSc)*****************************************
Bahriye SIRAV (Ms)
Biophysics Dept.
Gazi University Faculty of Medicine
Dekanlik 06510 Besevler ANKARA TURKIYE
Tel +90-312-214 10 00 ext 6941
Fax +90-312-212 46 47
e-mail bahriyes@med.gazi.edu.tr