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Davis-Besse update
April 5, 2002
This preliminary notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE
safety or public interest significance. The information is as initially
received without verification or evaluation, and is basically all that is
known by the Region III staff on this date.
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.
Oak Harbor OH
Docket: 50-346
Licensee Emergency Classification
Notification of Unusual Event
Site Area Emergency
General Emergency
x Not Applicable
The NRC's Augmented Inspection Team presented the preliminary findings of
its review of the reactor vessel head degradation at the Davis-Besse plant
in a meeting with the licensee on April 5, 2002, in Oak Harbor, Ohio. The
AIT began the inspection on March 12, 2002, after the utility reported that
significant corrosion damage had been found while repairs were being made to
a control rod drive nozzle in the reactor vessel head.
The team found that evidence of the corrosion damage was present at least as
early as 1998 and that the utility missed several opportunities to identify
the problem prior to the current refueling outage.
Beginning in 1999, the plant staff observed a gradual increase in the
frequency of filter changes required for the containment radiation monitor
filter from monthly to every other day. The filter changes were required
because of clogging by material identified as corrosion products from
reactor cooling system leakage. Boric acid and corrosion product deposits on
the containment air coolers also increased.
The utility also failed to properly implement the NRC-required boric acid
control program in that reactor vessel head boric acid deposits were not
properly removed and indications of reactor vessel head corrosion were not
recognized or evaluated. In the 2000 refueling outage significant deposits
of boric acid -- different in color and consistency previously associated
with reactor cooling system leaks -- were found on the reactor vessel head.
The utility is continuing its review of the root cause of the reactor vessel
head damage. The Augmented Inspection Team concurred with the utility's
preliminary evaluation that the reactor vessel wastage was caused by
corrosion associated with leakage of primary cooling water containing boric
acid due to cracks in the No. 2 and No. 3 control rod drive nozzles.
Additional issues remain to be addressed, however, in the utility's root
cause evaluation, including factors affecting the rate at which the cracks
and corrosion progressed, the role of deposits left on the reactor vessel
head, and a determination of the chemical process involved in the corrosion.
The utility's evaluation will be presented to the NRC and made publically
available when it is completed.
The State of Ohio will be notified. The information in this preliminary
notification has been reviewed by licensee management.
This information is current as of 9:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) on April 5, 2002.
Ron Gardner John Jacobson
630/829-9751 630/829-9736
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