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Report of Loss of Criticality Safety Control
April 4, 2002
This preliminary notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE
safety or public interest significance. The information is as initially
received without verification or evaluation, and is basically all that is
known by the Region IV staff on this date.
Framatome ANP, Inc.
2101 Horn Rapids Road
Richland, WA 99352
Docket No.: 07001257
License No.: SNM-1227
Licensee Emergency Classification
Notification of Unusual Event
Site Area Emergency
General Emergency
X Not Applicable
SUBJECT: Report of Loss of Criticality Safety Control (Bulletin 91-01
On April 3, 2002, the licensee reported the loss of a criticality control
(neutron absorbing poison) on a 45 gallon drum of UO2 powder in the UO2
processing building on April 2, 2002. The 24 hour report was made pursuant
to Bulletin 91-01. The filled drum contained 250 kg of powder from floor
sweepings and dried grinder sludge that was to be reprocessed. Criticality
control parameters for this process were 1) moderation (moisture content
less than 1 weight percent); and 2) neutron absorber such that 5 percent
enriched powder would remain subcritical if moderation control was lost. The
average enrichment of the powder in the affected drum was 2.7 percent with a
maximum enrichment of 3.2 percent for a 5 gallon sub lot. Moisture content
of the powder was less than 0.2 weight percent and was verified by two
operators using lab analysis. The drums used for this operation are normally
fitted with a bolted-in insert (spider assembly) with stainless steel rods
containing a neutron absorbing poison. The drum in question did not have the
poison insert because it was one of three drums designated for disposal due
to end of life wear. The spider assembly had been removed in preparation for
crushing. Following removal of the poison insert, the drum was not properly
segregated and controlled such that it was inadvertently reused in the
powder drumming process. The operator failed to perform the required visual
check of the drum interior prior to filling the drum. The same operator did
notice the missing assembly when he moved the drum to another station for
fitting with a tumbler lid.
According to the licensee, a criticality in the affected drum could
theoretically be possible only had the moisture content been over ten times
the process limit, or over fifty times the actual moisture content of the
affected drum. Further analysis is necessary to determine the actual
potential for criticality. In this case, one administrative control remained
in effect to prevent moderator from being introduced into the drum. The NRC
considers this a significant event because of the reliance placed on the
poison fixtures to maintain adequate subcritical margin, the multiple
failures resulting in loss of an engineered control and a critical mass of
fissile material being placed in a critical volume.
The licensee has initiated an incident investigation board and has
implemented the following interim corrective measures: 1) The powder in the
affected drum has been removed and placed in a safe configuration; 2) All
drums that did not contain the neutron absorbing spider were tagged, removed
from the area and destroyed; and 3) Drum disassembly and blend make-up
operations have been suspended pending completion of procedure revisions and
training. Additional corrective actions are being evaluated. The NRC has
informed the licensee that they will be expected to review corrective
actions with NRC before drum disassembly and blend make-up operations
NRC plans to followup on this event during a special inspection scheduled
for April 15, 2002. That inspection will include a review of the actual
potential for criticality under the circumstances encountered.
Region IV received notification of this occurrence by telephone call from
the licensee at 1pm on April 3, 2002.
This information has been discussed with the licensee and is current as of
4:00 p.m. (CST), April 3, 2002. Region IV has notified NMSS, OSTP, OPA and
OEDO. The State of Washington has been notified.
CONTACTS: D. Blair Spitzberg
(817) 860-8191
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