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RE: list server
Here's the link: RadSafe (radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu)
-----Original Message-----
From: DGR [mailto:d.g.rhodes@uconn.edu]
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 10:21 AM
To: tmorgan@isotopeproducts.com
Subject: list server
Thanks very much for your helpful insight.
Here's my contact info...but I probably don't need the link to the list
serve - I spoke with our RSO and they were very familiar with it, so I
suggested that they do the posting directly.
Thanks again!!
O==O | David G. Rhodes
O==O | Pharmaceutical Sciences; U-92
O==O | University of Connecticut
O==O | Storrs, CT 06269
O==O | (860)486-5413 (fax)486-4998
O==O | d.g.rhodes@uconn.edu
O==O | http://www.sp.uconn.edu/~rhodes/home.htm
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