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RE: UK wind farm fights govt ban in court-Effect on Military Radar
From: Norman Cohen [mailto:ncohen12@comcast.net]
> Hi Stew,
> Thanks for the info. I think we at unplug salem should start
> a new group called "Pass Wind" (People Against Severely
> Scary Windmills Informed for National Defense) to shut down
> all these dangerous windmills before our country has a
> meltdown. Now, just gotta find some foundation or major
> donor nutty enough to fund this brilliant plan..;-)
> peace
> norm
> SAFarberMSPH@CS.COM wrote:
> > Subj: Check out Planet Ark : UK wind farm fights govt ban in court
Easy. Same as nuclear power. Make up scary "facts" and get any major
media shill (e.g., NYT) to print it. It gets reprinted in all
fear-monger media. Money rolls in.
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