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Re: CA Courts and Decommissioning

In a message dated 05/10/2002 7:14:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time, magna1@jps.net writes:

Barbara, then would it be also true, that with the rejection of the NRC LTR, DHS is left with the older rule on the books of less than 100 mrem per year?

Oooo!!!  Well, one would think, wouldn't they?  The problem, as I read the ruling, is that the judge didn't believe that 100 mrem per year WAS the old limit, though virtually every professional in the field knows it was.

BTW, the case number is 01CS01445, which can be found through the "Case Index" at the Sacramento County Court website at: http://www.saccourt.com/.  One can also find information on how to obtain copies of the ruling at that site.  The personnel at the court are very helpful.

Sincerely, Barbara, speaking as a private citizen on her own time.