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Re: foundation awards unplug salem 12K
May 12, 2002
Davis, CA
What a great disservice to our nation and the environment to oppose the use
of nuclear power for the generation of badly needed electrical energy. Not
only are current nuclear power plants inherently safe, but they don't
really pollute. Out nation already has all the nuclear fuel that is
necessary to provide all the electrical energy that we need for the whole
century in the form of plutonium and depleted uranium. With plentiful
electricity we can desalinate ocean water to provide needed drinking water
and make hydrogen fuel by hydrolysis of water to operate pollution
fuel-cell-powered automobiles with an end to foreign oil dependence. That's
what real environmentalists should support.
Although the technical and safety aspects of nuclear waste disposal have
been long solved, the perceptual and political forces driven by such
misguided folks as Norman Cohen and the so-called Coalition for Peace and
Justice (sic) and the UNPLUG Salem Campaign continue to claim that there is
no solution or promulgate fallacies about the impact of nuclear power
plants on people and the environment. What sad nonsense! Instead they
promote the extremely expensive (more than 50 cents per kwh) and
impractical solar and wind power approaches that would serious hurt our
environment. Can you image covering 25 square miles with solar collectors
and support roads to equal one Salem nuclear power plant, and drastically
increasing the cost of electricity with a power source that turns off every
night. How about covering 10% of New Jersey with wind generators? That will
assure that the wild bird population does not get too large.
Unfortunately, there can be no useful dialogue with Norman Cohen or any of
the anti-nuclear activists because there convictions far exceed their
ability to reason. I recommend that we all just delete his messages without
reading whenever we see them posted.
Prof. Otto G. Raabe, Ph.D., CHP
Center for Health & the Environment
(Street Address: Bldg. 3792, Old Davis Road)
University of California, Davis, CA 95616
E-Mail: ograabe@ucdavis.edu
Phone: (530) 752-7754 FAX: (530) 758-6140
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