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RE: Smoke-free ordinances
>However, there is one point we must all consider: smoking drives up
the cost of health care. Who pays for that? We all do, through
increased taxes, health insurance premiums, and god knows what all
Since 15 years back, I have two different work places:
1/ The Karolinska Institute - our departments (Medical Radiation
Biology/CancerCentrum Karolinska, and Medical Radiation Physics) which are
located in the Karolinska Hospital area.
2/ SwedPower/Vattenfall (largest electricity producer in Scandiavia) - a
major work place with offices for more than 2000 employees.
The difference in the amount of smoking outside the main entrances is very
striking (at both work places smoking is not allowed indoors): There is
_much_ more smoking outside the main entrances of the Karolinska Hospital
area (but not at KI campus). This is not only true for the cancer oriented
units but also for most of the other ones - anything: Infections,
endocrinology, orthopedics, thorax, skin diseases, emergencies,... My study
is not a scientific one - I just observe - not only all the people smoking -
but also the cigarette butts on the ground (many ash tray arrangements
outside all the buildings).
The bottom line is that there seems to be a strong association between all
sorts of medical problems and smoking. I don't mean that smoking causes
broken legs but there may be life style factors involved - attitudes to many
kinds of health risks.
Some pictures are etched into my mind for ever like the perhaps seven months
pregnant woman who stood right outside "Radiumhemmet" (our main building for
the treatment of cancer). I once (at age around 32) told an approx. twelve
year old girl - in the nicest possible way - that smoking was not good for
her and that she should try to be quit and be careful. She told me - "you
old man - to go to Hell" - I never tried that trick again (I turn to the
politicians directly instead but it doesn't seem to help much). We have now
experienced a doubling in lung cancer deats among women in Sweden in twenty
My personal reflections only,
Bjorn Cedervall bcradsafers@hotmail.com
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