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Re: dirty bomb

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: RuthWeiner@AOL.COM <RuthWeiner@AOL.COM>

An: blc+@PITT.EDU <blc+@PITT.EDU>; joseroze@netvision.net.il


Cc: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>

Datum: Freitag, 28. Juni 2002 18:48

Betreff: Re: dirty bomb


>When I was in Vienna in the winter of 1998, there was a made-for-TV movie


>Austrian TV about exactly this kind of attack.  The burden of the plot was

>that a neo-Nazi terrorist group released some poisonous gas into the

>ventilating system while the Opernball was in progress (I believe this ball

>is held at the Staatsoper, but I don't remember).

Yes, it is held every year at Staatsoper. Originally it was an event for the

highest class, including kings, foreign statesmen, the rich (not necessarily

the beautiful). Now it has declined to an event for the celebrities, which

includes Mrs Ferguson, skiing champions, Claudia Cardinale, Mrs. Jones (who

boasted to have had sexual intercourse during the event), etc. etc. A

tradition is, that green groups demonstrate against this event and that they

fight fiercly the police. This is transmitted by TV on-line. So it is a


I have not seen this movie - I suppose, that I had more important things to

do, than watching this movie, but I remember that the common critics said,

that it was a low level movie, speculative and not realistic.

In the movie, which

>incidentally was very well done, more than half of those attending the ball

>died from inhaling the stuff.  It was very dramatic. (and it was a whole


>better movie than Atomic Train or Atomic Twister).

I have seen Atomic Train on our TV. I remember this as one of the most

disgusting and most constructed films, which combines show-elements (the

train rushing through a great landscape), cold war politics, "political

correctness" by chosing black actors for being the heros, to the average

American attitude (not only restricted to Americans) to follow a "leader",

the better he is black.


>Maybe it should be shown in the U. S. (with subtitles -- it's in German).

Who would care for it????

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