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Re: Two Nuclear Cargo Ships Evade Boats

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: Sandy Perle <sandyfl@EARTHLINK.NET>

An: john grant <grantjoh@pacbell.net>; radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu


Datum: Dienstag, 23. Juli 2002 01:02

Betreff: Re: Two Nuclear Cargo Ships Evade Boats

On 22 Jul 2002 at 15:19, john grant wrote:

> I do not understand why the ships would need to make an "emergency evasive

> maneuver".


> Surely a few tiny boats are not going to damage one of those big ships.

They simply attempt to avoid damage to the Greenpeace boats, and,

bodily harm to the protesters. They simply don't want to cause an

international issue and potential litigation.


It has always been the politics of Greenpeace (and other related groups) to

play David against Goliath in order to have the sympathies of "the world" on

their side - because this is what people motivate to donate money. Don't you

remember the photos in their campaigns - a tiny little rubber boat in the

foreground of a huge whaling ship, a few tiny figures unrolling a huge

banner on a huge (wide-angle lens!!) cooling tower, the small boats in front

of the huge oil-drilling platform etc. etc. Secondly they always try to

accuse their target, may it be nuclear power, oil-drilling, coal-fired

powerplant etc. of being cruel against them - and the public opinion is on

their side.

They must have excellent public relations managers. Whatever they do is

optimized to have the maximum impact on peoples mind. And now, think that

one of the - armed - ships would have destroyed a boat! What an

international outcry, what a positive press and mass media impact for

Greenpeace. And maybe your comment will soon be distributed in mass media,

to show, that "the nuclear hardliners would advocate that destruction of

peaceful boats and would even accept that peaceful protesters would be

harmed or even killed". "Thank you" for your comment.



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