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I certainly hope that they can get over their fears and it is our job to

facilitate that healing, fellow radsafers. (Get it? RAD-SAFE?)

We must have some way to make power. We need it to help feed and educate the

world. That is what all the "bleeding hearts" want, don't they? Solar power

and wind power are not going to cut it alone. NUCLEAR ENERGY in some form is

the key. Yes, and in the process of feeding the world, we can do a good job

of protecting the environment, too. We must!

If some individual is truly mentally sick due to fear of radiation, maybe

they should be treated in the right psychiatric environment. Isn't that what

we do to help them? Or should we allow them to preach to the masses. I guess

so..........I served in this great nation's military for 21 years based on

the notion of freedom of religion. Maybe it is their religious right scare

everybody half to death.........?

I have an better idea:

First move: let them figure out a way to make their own electricity.

Second move: raise the price of fossil fuels to European levels. I think

about $4.00 per gallon for unleaded regular is about right.

They might get over their fears now. Unless they are truly mentally ill.

I guess we will see...................no, wait a minute, our kids will



Danny K. McClung, RRPT

Reactor Health Physicist

NIST Center for Neutron Research

100 Bureau Drive, Stop 3543

Building 235, Room A135

Gaithersburg, MD 20899-3543

(301) 975-5812



*The opinions expressed in this message are strictly my own.*


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