the USA, there is a regulatory provision (10 CFR 40.51 & 40.53) to transfer
to unlicensed persons material containing less than 0.05% (by weight) of source
material, including Th-232. However, a potential dose assessment is
necessary to demonstrate compliance with the 1 mSv/year public TEDE
constraint. Note that 0.05% natural thorium is 4.29 Bq/g Th-228 and
Th-232. For a specific application involving unconsolidated thoriated dust
and thoriated slag, see:
There appears to be conforming guidance available from the
European Commission (EC) in "Radiation Protection 89" (metals recycling)
published in Luxembourg in 1998. I am not
familiar with the recycling market in the US for aerospace alloys, but
companies such as Kaiser Aluminum and Fansteel maintain such product
Rick Orthen
Earth Sciences Consultants,
PA |