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Re: Truck carrying 'low-level' radioactive tools crashes
Greetings Kai and others:
I can envision it now, someday someone will make
millions by developing a non radioactive smoke
detector that will be at least twice (or thrice)the
price of the current ones. Just because people will
think its worth the money to be rad free in "our home"
or "at work", they will overwhelming purchase this
product like lemmings jumping into water
(Walt Disney reference). I'll stay with what I know
works (americiumm).
Truthfully, the market exists because the sale pitch
will be "get rid of dangerous radiation and by our non
radioactive, environmentally friendly smoke detector!"
Just a thought, but this is how the public has been
trained! - Tom Savin
--- Kai Kaletsch <info@eic.nu> wrote:
> You can add the banning of ionizing radiation smoke
> detectors in some
> countries to your list.
> The reality is that somebody's kids will die from
> this policy, because the
> legislators decided to pander to and reinforce
> people's perception instead
> of trying to educate themselves.
> Kai
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