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RE: Serbian nuclear fuel
Bill, I think
my concluding remark should have given you a clue : "Are our concerns misplaced
? Going by the 9-11 experience, probably yes."
In your list
below, please add "e." : misplaced concerns need to be changed so that they are
"placed correctly" in order to minimise the danger of future
( hint:
ignoring misplaced concerns increases the chances of another successful
terrorist attack on the scale of 9-11).
...and no, I
don't think I'm "providing assistance to terrorists on how to be more effective"
-- terrorists are, unfortunately, not deaf, dumb & blind, nor is a change
from a truck bomb to an oil tanker such a great leap of ingenuity as you appear
to be giving me credit for.
While I
don't necessarily disagree with you, what is the purpose of this message?
a. Provide assistance to terrorists on how to be more effective?
b. Convince the public that, since a nuclear weapon is "only" 18 kT,
while an oil tanker has more potential destructive power, fissile material in
the hands of terrorists is obviously not a concern?
c. Something I overlooked?
d. None / all of the above?
(hint: Arguing that something else is worse is NOT a good way to sell
nuclear technology to the public.)
The opinions expressed are strictly mine.
It's not about dose it's about
Curies forever.
Bill Lipton