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RE: Tolerance, Sensitivity, and Abrasiveness


> I feel that we (RadSafe) are experiencing one of the negative

> points of our digital age. When we converse with someone face to

> face... or even verbally over a telephone, we glean much

> information on the intent of the words by reading facial and

> body expressions or vocal inflections. In our medium, we do not

> have that luxury.

I am not sure about it. Most participants to the list are intelligent. Even

I with my imperfect English can feel the emotions behinde the words.

> "Who cares?" can be interpreted many different

> ways depending on the intent.

Realy? How many ways? i think that Ruth's response touched a sensitive

point - the hostility between the  rad-protection

prefessionalists and the environment activists. I think that both the

question and ruth's answer were legitimate. If more reason and less

emotions were involved the number of unnecessary messages should have

dropped dramatically.

So, we should all remember that

> the intent is not always easily discerned here. Keep that in

> mind when you read a post, and especially when you make a

> post... choose your words carefully so as not to unintentionally

> offend someone when you merely meant to make light-hearted banter.


> Just my own 2 cents.


> Todd

no argue . The hostilility I mentioned - is unfortune. As scientists we are

obliged to act for the good of society  . Anti nukes and other

environmentalists play an  important role  in this social process. No

matter how much I hate their biased and sometimes senseless arguments , we

must pay attention and properly answer when appropriate , and when we can

afford the time . When we don't have the time we always may hit the delete

bottone... which appears to be very useful on this list...

I join Todd's request to choose words carefully and I add my 2 cents and

ask to decease the volume of emotion- "Stay Cool"

Dov  (Dubi)Brickner   MD

Beer Sheva    ISRAEL


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