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A co-worker is investigating the regulation of instrument dials containing

Ra-226.  The devices range from 0.3 to 3 microCuries per instrument.

I recognize that each agreement state has different regulations on

NORM/TENORM, but does anyone have any experience or knowledge of the

disposal of radium dial instruments that may assist him.

Some potentially relevant facts are:

We are prohibited from disposal of "sealed sources" by our Radioactive

Materials License.

Utah radiation control rules exempt from licenses, instruments containing

less than 1 microCurie of Ra-226

We are licensed for the disposal of Class A LLRW, 11e.(2) byproduct material

and NORM.

In the interest of list-members inbox capacity, please respond directly to

mailto:bclayman@envirocareutah.com or to the address below.

Thank you in advance,

Joseph Heckman RRPT

Site Radiation Safety Officer

Containerized Waste Facility

Envirocare of Utah, Inc



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