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Re: TFP update article, E Magazine
Hi Sandy
Cancer and other immune system diseases are higher around the Salem
nuke complex than the national or state averages, especially in regards
to childrena and the elderly. What role nukes play in this can be debated
and has been on this list. Just thought you all should know what your old
friends the TFP were up to.
Sandy Perle wrote:
> On 13 Sep 2002 at 11:20, Norman Cohen wrote:
> > > But she does want to know why childhood
> > > cancer rates are soaring among children living near nuclear power
> > > plants, as her family does.
> The above is simply not accurate. The statistics state just the
> opposite, and, this issue has been addressed over and over again, how
> science and data has been misrepresented by TFP, and deserves no
> further attention.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Sandy Perle
> Director, Technical
> ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Service
> ICN Plaza, 3300 Hyland Avenue
> Costa Mesa, CA 92626
> Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100 Extension 2306
> Fax:(714) 668-3149
> E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
> E-Mail: sperle@icnpharm.com
> Personal Website: http://sandy-travels.com/
> ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Website: http://www.dosimetry.com/
Coalition for Peace and Justice and the UNPLUG Salem Campaign; 321 Barr
Ave., Linwood, NJ 08221; 609-601-8583 or 609-601-8537;
ncohen12@comcast.net UNPLUG SALEM WEBSITE: http://www.unplugsalem.org/
http://www.coalitionforpeaceandjustice.org The Coalition for Peace and
Justice is a chapter of Peace Action.
"First they ignore you; Then they laugh at you; Then they fight you; Then
you win. (Gandhi) "Why walk when you can fly?" (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
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