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Radon-Stirring the Pot
Maybe someone(s) out there could answer a few questions for me.
Two days ago, I heard on the radio a "public service" ad. regarding radon
that stated that "radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the
United States." That statement (unattributed) puzzled me. Curiously, the
next day, I happened to be at a safety-related exposition, and picked up
some literature from a booth that dealt with radon in homes. Interestingly,
the same claim of radon being the "second leading cause of lung cancer" was
made (again without attribution) in a handout, ostensibly from the State of
In addition, I picked up a glossy little comic book called "Radon Ranger"
published by "Monty Holmes"/Radon Ranger Publications in Salida, CO. In it
he claims: radon "causes more deaths per year than fires", and: "radon
causes thousands of cancer deaths in the U.S. each year" (my emphasis).
My questions:
1. Where did the claim that radon is the "second leading cause of lung
cancer in the United States" originate?
2. How is this claim experimentally substantiated?
3. Has this claim been proven via epidemiological studies (vs. ecological)?
(Warning: Since I'm "not an epidemiologist" I may be revealing my profound
4. Who is "Monty Holmes" (Radon Ranger) and what's his stake/authority in
all this?
Bates Estabrooks
P.O. Box 2009
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
865-241-5780 (Facsimile)
ihk@y12.doe.gov <mailto:ihk@y12.doe.gov>
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