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Re: AJC Article: Nuclear plants can withstand attacks
This is a valuable article. Unfortunately, it contains some rather blatant overstatement: e.g., "only the latenst artillery could breach [Type B transportation casks] and the result was [sic] to scatter a few chunks on the ground."
The part about "latest artillery" is more or less correct, but the part about "a few chunks" is incorrect. A shaped charge can blow a small hole in the cask and damage some fuel rods, and gas, some volatile nuclides, and fine particulate nuclides would be released. This is discussed and referenced in Appendix J of the Yucca Mountain EIS.
The statement "most nuclear advocates are reluctant to challenge such claims [of overstatement of harm from ionizing radiation]" does a major disservice to the many nuclear advocates, me among them. who have spoken out repeatedly and publicly, often at the risk of losing their livelihood and of other threats. It is a "throwaway" comment, and really unworthy of the authors.
Otherwise, this is a valuable article, particularly considering the publication venue.
Ruth Weiner, Ph. D.