Well, it may come down to a religious point of
view. Sometimes reality can become what we referred to previously
as "science fiction". Isaac Asimov (a
biochemist) wrote the beginning of the Foundation series in the late 40's.
In the book "Foundation" he tells of a future society on the planet named
Terminus, which was located in the Milky Way galaxy. This planet was the
hub of intellect in that is continued to maintain the knowledge and use of
nuclear power. The rest of the forces in the galaxy were reverting back
to oil and coal to maintain their crumbling societies. The
nuclear plant operators were referred to as high priests and the planet they
were on was the leading force in the galaxy.
H. Dean Chaney, CHP
URS Corp. Sacramento, CA (916) 679-2086 "In science there is only physics; everything else is stamp
--Ernest Rutherford
I had not intended to attack or disparage any religious views (I mean, I have them, too). My point was simply that elevating nuclear power from a method of electrical production to some sort of article of faith is what we often have to deal with. How can it be addressed? I don't know! Ruth Weiner, Ph. D. ruthweiner@aol.com |