Barbara, What legislation is in the planning stages for us in CA? I know that Sen. Romero was going to try and revisit the issue of LLRW in municipal landfills. Will any of this proposed legislation affect decommissioning? My company has several licensed facilities in CA and it would be interesting to know how this might affect our business. Toli Mikell (not a CHP)
--- On Sun 12/22, < BLHamrick@AOL.COM > wrote:
From: [mailto: BLHamrick@AOL.COM] To: Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 22:29:42 EST Subject: California Legislation
And, just as a follow up to!
that last message, in case anyone thinks, "someone else will take care of it," note this:
In the last legislative session, there were more than 18 hearings held on four pending bills that directly affected the California Dept. of Health Services, Radiologic Health Branch. Only one health physicist from the branch testified at only one hearing. That should make some alarm bells ring. Especially when, at the time, the Department had six nationally Certified Health Physicists on staff. Someone needs to ask the right questions: Why aren't the health physicists being invited to speak to the legislature? And, if they aren't the ones providing the information to the lay legislators, then who is? And, are they qualified?
It's our government, but if we don't participate, we get what we deserve.