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Fwd: Re: Dosimeters and airport security

Title: Fwd: Re: Dosimeters and airport security
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 13:47:47 -0700
To: Tom Morgan <tmorgan@ISOTOPEPRODUCTS.COM>
From: "Judith M. Clark" <jmclark@lanl.gov>
Subject: Re: Dosimeters and airport security
At Los Alamos National Laboratory we instruct employees not to take their LANL dosimeter with them on travel to another DOE facility.  The facility being visited should provide the visitor with a visitor's badge.  They are required to send their report back within 30 days regarding the dose received during the visit.
J. Margo Clark, Ph.D.

Can anyone address the issue of dosimeters and airport security?  If a radiation worker with a dosimeter wants to travel on an airliner to visit another facility, should he/she take their own dosimeter with them?  Or, should they use the facility's visitor badge?  Any idea what dose might be expected if the dosimeter goes through the x-ray screening machine?
Thanks in advance.
Thomas L. Morgan, PhD
Director, Health Physics
Radiation Safety Officer
Isotope Products Laboratories
661-309-1033 (voice)
661-257-8303 (fax)

J. Margo Clark, Ph.D.
Performance Surety Division
Health, Safety, and Radiation Protection Division
MS K-483
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM  87545
(505) 665-3634
FAX (505) 667-9726