I think the following is a bit of a "stretch" of what is known. I doubt you will find many biologist who believe that DNA repair "requires" radiation. That is as bad as saying any radiation exposure can hurt you.
"Recent research into radiation hormesis indicates that radiation does in fact have a beneficial effect on health. DNA repair requires radiation and is in fact triggered by it. We cannot reach our full growth or remain healthy without our minimum daily intake of vitamin 'R' it seems."
I object to any extreme position since most are absurd. Picking one study that supports this claim is par for the course. That is what the anti-nuclear people do all the time.
Zack Clayton <zclayton@YAHOO.COM> wrote:
Not all the news is bad.
Check out
A very nice article about nuclear energy, hollywood, and public
perception. It includes a pointer to the next "Big Nasty" that may
supplant the nucler demon for the fearmongers.